Photos by Museum Park resident Shawn McDermott
​MPSN bridges communications and projects among the many entities that serve the Museum District: Museum Park Neighborhood Association (residents), Greater Southeast Management District, OST/Almeda TIRZ, Hermann Park Conservancy, Museum District Association, South Main Alliance, and the businesses, hospitals, schools, and faith institutions in Museum District. The Museum Park Super Neighborhood boundaries are Main Street to the west, Interstate 69 to the north, Almeda Road to the east, and Hermann Park to the south.
Master Plans
Two master plans are important to the future of Museum Park. These documents provide a foundation for the workplan of the Museum Park Super Neighborhood Council.
The Museum Park Livable Centers Study is critical to the creation of a safe, convenient, and desirable community. From June 2015 to June 2016 a team of planning and design consultants worked with the Museum Park community to develop a conceptual plan and implementation recommendations. (Report: Museum Park Livable Centers Study 63MB.)
The study of the Caroline Street Promenade led to a report that sets forth a conceptual plan for pedestrian improvements to the right-of-way along Caroline Street in Museum Park. (Report: Concept Plan Report, Caroline Street Promenade 31.8MB.)
See also the status of recent projects.